Thursday, September 29, 2011

Series Contents

“Curmudge, you messed up.”

“Jaded Julie, what do you mean, I messed up? Everything we do is a joint effort. You must mean that we messed up, but what did we do or not do?”

“Back in 2009 we had 12 postings on Patient Safety. Each posting had an extended title so the reader would know in which posting to look for information on medications or infections or falls or whatever. Later we posted series (three or more postings) on Mistakes, Amazing Devices, Evidence-Based Medicine, The Crystal Ball, The Laboratory, and Sepsis without extended titles. Unless he/she had an excellent memory (which you don’t have), the reader would have to search for a particular topic within a series by trial-and-error.”

“You’re right as usual, Julie. Let’s create extended titles or keywords for the postings within those series. That will help me when I want to insert a link back to an earlier posting. As you know, I forget what’s in an article the day after it is posted.”

“You conjure up the subtitles, Curmudge, and I’ll type.”

April 1, 2010: Mistakes—mnemonics, sleep deprivation
April 8, 2010: Mistakes 2—standard work, checklists, ‘Isabel’
July 22, 2010: Mistakes 3—necessary fallibility, see February 19, 2009

Aug. 5, 2010: Amazing Devices—AutoAnalyzer, pulse oximeter
Aug. 12, 2010: Amazing Devices 2—Library resources, PDA Road Map; Information at Your Fingertips;, August 6, 2009
Sept. 2, 2010: Amazing Devices 3The Wireless Future of Medicine
Sept. 9, 2010: Amazing Devices 4—ultrasound, electronic stethoscope

Sept. 23, 2010: Evidence-Based Medicine—URLs for reviews
Sept. 30, 2010: Evidence-Based Medicine 2—review articles, clinical trials
Oct. 14, 2010: Evidence-Based Medicine 3—evaluating the literature
Oct. 14, 2010: Evidence-Based Medicine 4—“Will it help my patient?”
Oct. 21, 2010: Evidence-Based Medicine 5—getting a second opinion

April 7, 2011: The Crystal Ball—prologue
April 15, 2011: The Crystal Ball 1—need for Lean
April 27, 2011: The Crystal Ball 2—specialized consultancies, IHI
May 5, 2011: The Crystal Ball 3—Sg2
May 12, 2011: The Crystal Ball 4The Innovator’s Prescription by Clayton Christensen, disruptive innovation
May 19, 2011: The Crystal Ball 5—intuitive & precision medicine, NPs displacing docs displacing other docs, pharmacogenomics
May 31, 2011: The Crystal Ball 6—‘solution shops’ & value-added processes; straightforward and difficult diagnoses
June 3, 2011: The Crystal Ball 7—chronic diseases, integrated fixed-fee providers
June 13, 2011: The Crystal Ball 8—two health care philosophies; HSAs plus high-deductible insurance

June 30, 2011: The Laboratory—phlebotomist, specimen processing, blood bank
July 7, 2011: The Laboratory 2—CBCs, chemistry, troponins (heart attack), hemoglobin A1C (diabetes), microbiology
July 14, 2011: The Laboratory 3—identification of bacteria
July 21, 2011: The Laboratory 4—pathology, histology, cytology
July 28, 2011: The Laboratory 5—quality control, workload, turnaround, education requirements

Aug. 26, 2011: Sepsis—introduction, pathogenesis
Sept. 7, 2011: Sepsis 2—diagnosis, management
Sept. 15, 2011: Sepsis 3—resuscitation bundles, MMC data

“Julie, these should be helpful for our readers and also for me. Let’s do this the next time we write three or more postings on the same general topic.”

“I’ll remind you, Curmudge. If I don’t, you’ll forget.”

Affinity’s Kaizen Curmudgeon

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