Thursday, August 12, 2010

Amazing Devices 2

“Curmudge, I trust that you read Affinity’s electronic newspaper, The Weekly, every week.”

“I do, Jaded Julie, and there was recently an interesting Library Services’ note on Mobile Devices: Health Care Resources in the June 7 Weekly.”

“I guess you are saying that the note demands a careful reading, which you did. My second guess is that your ancient but orderly mind wants to put the info from the Library note into some sort of historical context. Okay, Curmudge, have at it.”

“In our posting on August 6, 2009, Information at Your Fingertips, I envisioned a provider turning to his/her exam room desktop computer to access information via the Affinity intranet. During the past year, laptop computers have become more common throughout our hospitals and clinics. With these, the provider can use the computer while facing the patient and create a more personalized experience.”

“That’s an interesting observation, Curmudge. With the provider facing the patient I’m sure patients would feel like they are in a much more collaborative conversation.”

“Fortunately, now many providers use handheld devices, and those are what Library Services’ note in the Weekly tells us about. It references their PDA Road Map: its title is Mobile Computing for Healthcare: Smart Phones, PDAs, Pocket PCs, etc. Main headings include: Resources for Affinity Library Users, Free Starter Apps, Calculators (free), Clinical POC, Internet Gateways, and PubMed & Evidence-based Practice. In addition, here’s another resource for handheld users: How the iPad Can Change Emergency Medicine.”

“Very impressive! Perhaps this should be called Information at the Fingertips of Only One Hand.”

Affinity’s Kaizen Curmudgeon

Note: An observation on the practice of emergency medicine in a primitive location may be accessed via this link.

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