Sunday, April 22, 2012


“Curmudge, back in October 2011 we talked about specialists and how medical students decide what kind they want to be.  Whatever happened to that draft?”

“It was a strange situation, Julie, but in the end it was literally tossed into the wastebasket.”

“Because we have been talking recently about physicians, this might be an appropriate time to resurrect the old draft.  We can revise it with the help of Doc Mack, MD, who can add authenticity to our perceptions.  He has one unpublished book manuscript and is working on a second.  It would seem that he has literary talents as well as combat medicine in his black bag.”

“Great idea!  We’ll pull the draft out of the trash can, revise it, and post it next week.”

Kaizen Curmudgeon                                                

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